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You Capture

I just discovered I Should Be Folding Laundry, a pretty awesome blog, I must say! This post is dedicated to You Capture where Beth (the blogger) decides on a photography theme for the week. This week it’s: In The Kitchen.

I picked some apples from the very sorry apple tree I have way in the back of my yard and fondly enough I could probably label them organic! ha! Ted of course has to be in every photo if he sees me snapping away.

Peek a boo monkey!

Not perfect, but definately organic!

I cut up some of the apples to make a Danish Apple cake. I photographed one side of the cake only because the other side has been eaten!

Layers of apple slices decorate my cake!


  1. Bec

    That first one is just too cute!

  2. mmmmm Does it taste as good as it looks?

    • Definitely not! It’s quite dry. With a cuppa tea it’s fine, but it’s really not a dessert cake. It would be great with hot custard, but who has time for that?

  3. We planted an apple tree this year (and a plum tree as well) and are hoping it survived our dry summer and will someday give us beautiful apples like yours!

  4. Very cool that you have your own apple tree! And the cake looks delicious!

  5. Ewa

    lovely shots, I love the first one, cute

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